What are the causes of blue lips?

Written By Mark

The German Heart Foundation said that blue lips have several causes, some of which are simple and some of which are serious. The Foundation explained that blue lips are often due to cold weather during the winter, but it may raise the alarm and warn of serious illness because it may indicate a lack of oxygen supply.

Heart disease

A lack of oxygen supply may indicate heart disease such as heart failure; Where the heart does not pump blood adequately. This may also indicate a blood clot that requires immediate medical care.

Lung diseases

The lack of oxygen supply may also be due to lung diseases such as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and asthma, as lung dysfunction causes a lack of oxygen supply. Heavy smoking may be another reason, because it puts pressure and burden on the lungs, leading to deterioration in oxygen supply.

In any case, blue lips are a serious medical condition that requires urgent consultation with a doctor to determine the real underlying cause and undergo timely treatment.