The German website “Helpraxis” reported that sorghum has many health benefits, as it reduces metabolic diseases such as diabetes, and is also beneficial for patients with celiac disease.
Unique fats
The health website explained that sorghum contains unique fats known as “fatty acid esters of fatty hydroxy acids,” which have anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties, such as heart disease, according to the results of recent research conducted by researchers from the Australian University of Sydney and the Japanese University of Hokkaido, which was published. In “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry”.
Sorghum is also gluten-free, making it a suitable food for patients with celiac disease, who cannot tolerate the gluten found in wheat.
It is noteworthy that gluten is a type of protein that is naturally found in some grains, such as wheat and barley. It consists of two types of protein: glutenin and gliadin. There are some people who suffer from sensitivity to gluten, a condition called celiac disease. When these people eat gluten, the immune system reacts to this protein and attacks the small intestine, leading to damage to the intestinal villi (villi) that help absorb nutrients.
Dietary fiber
Sorghum is also rich in dietary fiber that is beneficial for the health of the digestive system, as it enhances the digestive process and helps prolong the feeling of fullness, which contributes to reducing bouts of extreme hunger, which helps in losing weight and enjoying fitness.
In addition, sorghum contains minerals such as phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium and some B vitamins.