The Ministerial Committees for E-Government and Post and Telecommunications in the GCC countries hold their meetings in Doha

Written By Mark

The eighth meeting of the Ministerial Committee for E-Government in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and the 28th meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Posts and Telecommunications in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, was held in Doha today, headed by the State of Qatar.

The two meetings were attended by Their Excellencies the Ministers of Communications, Information Technology and Posts in the GCC countries, and His Excellency Mr. Jassim Mohammed Al-Budaiwi, Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.

In a speech he delivered while chairing the two meetings, His Excellency Mr. Mohammed bin Ali Al Mannai, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, stressed the importance of cooperation between the GCC countries in the fields of communications and information technology, noting the great impact of these efforts in achieving the common goals of the member states.

His Excellency said that the cooperation reflects the depth of the fraternal and historical relations between the GCC countries and the joint keenness to enhance integration and unify efforts in the postal and communications sector, because of its fundamental role in developing the national economies of the GCC countries and enhancing competitiveness at the regional and international levels.

He expressed his confidence that these meetings contribute to strengthening cooperation between the GCC countries, and are an important step towards achieving the aspirations of the GCC countries in building a prosperous and secure digital society.

He said that what has been achieved is just the beginning of a series of achievements that are being worked on, through establishing a strong and advanced technological sector that contributes to creating new job opportunities, and seeks to increase investments by adopting business models based on innovation and localizing the latest findings of modern technology.

In turn, His Excellency Mr. Jassim Mohammed Al-Budaiwi, Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, noted the importance of the topics presented at the two meetings, which will chart the next stage of cooperation between the GCC countries in the field of digital government, as the Ministerial Committee for e-Government in the GCC countries launches the indicative strategy for e-government (2024-2030). ) in the GCC countries, the unified framework for digital access for the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and the Global Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

He also praised the efforts made by the Ministerial Committee for e-Government in the GCC countries since its establishment and its endeavor to achieve complete digital transformation in the government sector, following the best international practices and creative ideas in this field, which led to it obtaining advanced ranks globally in the digital government sector, which confirms The Committee’s great interest in e-government applications and the great benefits that will accrue to the economy of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries through the presence of an effective and strong digital government, which contributes to increasing productivity, improving efficiency, and providing better and easier services to citizens and the public and private sectors, to bring this Gulf entity to higher, more developed, and advanced levels.

His Excellency pointed out that the committee and the work teams affiliated with the Ministerial Committee for Posts and Telecommunications in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries have worked during the past period to accomplish many important issues, as the first steps of cooperation between the GCC countries in the field of space have recently been launched, and the technical committees are also studying the reduction of roaming rates between countries. The Cooperation Council, preparing a comprehensive plan for the communications sector, and launching the Gulf Research Award for Technical Foresight and the Digital Economy.

He stressed that the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf are moving forward with steady steps and unremitting efforts to enhance their competitive capabilities in the fields of communications and post, and achieve global leadership to be among the societies and economies based on technology and innovation during the past four decades through what is in line with their government development plans and strategic policies aimed at advancing the development process. Sustainable social and economic.

The two meetings discussed a number of topics on the agenda, including the launch of the indicative strategy for e-government 2024-2030, in addition to reviewing the minutes of the committees and teams affiliated with the Executive Committee for e-government, including the shared electronic services work team, which included the minutes of the shared electronic services work team, and the e-government work team. Unified software and hardware procurement work, the artificial intelligence and emerging technologies working group, and the digital trust services working group.

The Ministerial Committee for e-Government in the GCC countries also reviewed the establishment of a temporary working group to follow up on the implementation of digital access standards and the findings of the Executive Committee for e-Government at its 26th meeting held in June 2024, with the approval of the unified framework for digital access for the GCC countries prepared by the State of Qatar.

The Ministerial Committee also discussed the items of the Digital Government Award in the GCC countries, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s presentation on the Global Internet Governance Forum, and the classifications of the GCC countries within the e-Government Development Index for the year 2024.