Research shows – according to the British Royal National Institute of Deafness – that hearing loss doubles the risk of depression and increases the risk of anxiety and other mental health problems. But according to a study conducted by the British University of Manchester, about a third of elderly people with hearing loss did nothing about it.
Colin Campbell, a clinical audiologist and member of the Association of Primary Care Hearing Services Providers, said in an interview with the British newspaper The Independent that “hearing loss is a public health problem.”
“There is no specific age at which hearing begins to deteriorate,” says audiologist Sonam Sehembe. “It can happen at any age, in theory. But it is common for it to deteriorate at a slightly later age.” She points out that it may take up to 10 years from the first time hearing deterioration is noticed until it is checked.
What are the signs that your hearing needs to be checked?
1- Increase the TV volume
“Raising the volume on the TV is usually the first sign that people need some sort of intervention or support with their hearing,” says Sihembi. People with hearing loss may also turn up the radio volume, or turn up the volume on headphones.
2- Asking people to repeat what they say
People who can’t hear what you’re saying clearly will often ask you to repeat yourself.
3- With background noise
People with hearing problems may be fine engaging in a one-on-one conversation in a quiet room, but Campbell warns, “In a crowded environment like a restaurant, a party, or a business meeting, any background noise starts to spoil the conversation. It may sound like people are mumbling or not speaking.” Clearly, as if all the words were intertwining with each other.”
4- Withdrawal from the talks
People with hearing loss may withdraw from conversations because it is easier than trying to hear what is being said. “Withdrawing from conversations is one of the subtle signs of hearing loss,” Sihembe explains.
5- Isolation
One of the less obvious signs of hearing loss is that people become isolated and unwilling to participate in family events. “When you invite someone to dinner in an environment that may be noisy, you may find that they will say no because they are afraid to go into that environment because they will not hear what is being said,” says Sihembe.
6- Difficulty conducting conversations in the car
Another problem for people with hearing loss is having conversations in the car. “If you have hearing loss and you are the driver, you will have difficulty hearing the person next to you and the people in the back seats, because they are not in front of you,” says Sihembe. “It is another common sign that someone needs support with their hearing.”