A new discovery promises a cure for paralysis

Written By Mark

A new study reveals an immune cell called bone marrow neutrophils that has the ability to stimulate the regrowth of nerve fibers in mice and humans.

The study was conducted by neuroscience researchers at Ohio State University in the United States, and the results of the study were published in the journal Nature Immunology on May 29, and the EurekAlert website wrote about it.

The study results represent a major leap forward in medical science.

“Dead neurons are usually not replaced, and damaged nerve fibers do not grow normally, leading to permanent neurological disabilities,” said Benjamin Segal, lead author of the study and chief of the Department of Neurology at Wexner Medical Center and The Ohio State University College of Medicine.

The research team found that bone marrow cells can be transformed into powerful healing agents. By stimulating these cells with specific molecules in the laboratory, the team was able to turn them into pro-regenerative cells that can help damaged neurons survive and regrow.

“Our ultimate goal is to develop treatments using these special cells to reverse damage to the optic nerve, brain and spinal cord, thus restoring lost neurological functions,” Segal said.

Nerve damage

Nerve damage resulting from spinal cord, optic nerve or brain injuries and neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis has long been thought to be permanent. However, 4 years ago, Segal’s team achieved a breakthrough in mice, sparking hope for millions affected by these conditions.

“Our new study shows that patients’ own cells can potentially be used to deliver safe and effective treatments for these devastating conditions,” said Segal’s research team member and co-first author of this study, Andrew Jerome.

In their latest study, the team produced bone marrow neutrophils from the bone marrow of eight different human donors. It succeeded in causing human nerve cells to regenerate nerve fibers.

These cells tripled the survival rate of damaged neurons, suggesting they could help slow or prevent the progression of neurodegenerative conditions, as well as reverse the injury.

“With the success of these laboratory experiments, our focus now turns to delivering new cell therapy to patients who need them,” said Ohio State Assistant Professor of Neuroscience and co-first author Andrew Sass. “We believe these cells can be extracted from the patient, stimulated and grown in large numbers in the laboratory.” And re-implanting it at the site of injury or disease to regrow brain fibers and spinal nerves.”

Segal’s team continues to push these developments forward. The next steps are to develop the most effective ways to culture and deliver these cells so that clinical trials (human trials) can begin.

Segal said treatments that bring improvements to patients that previously seemed impossible are now on the horizon.