Acidic and persistent burping is a sign of heartburn.

Written By Mark

Dr. Ulrich Tappe said that constant belching is a warning sign of heartburn, which occurs due to weakness of the muscle that closes the entrance to the stomach.

The head of the Professional Association of Gastroenterologists in Germany explained that due to the weakness of this muscle, stomach acid and other stomach contents frequently flow into the esophagus, which irritates the sensitive mucous membrane there. The result is a burning sensation behind the breastbone, which can extend to the neck, along with acidic belching.

Diet modification

To combat heartburn, Tabah recommended modifying the diet, as one should avoid fatty meals, spicy foods, and highly acidic foods such as vinegar sauce, as well as soft drinks.

It is also helpful not to eat large amounts of food, especially before going to bed, because when you lie in bed with a full stomach, gravity pushes stomach acid up into the esophagus.

It is also important not to over-consume caffeine while quitting smoking, in addition to avoiding psychological stress.

If you suffer from heartburn repeatedly, you should consult a doctor, as it may indicate gastroesophageal reflux.