How do we deal with the feeling of anger and benefit from it?

Written By Mark

Anger, like other feelings, cannot be considered negative if it is used in a justified context and at the appropriate time. According to Kilani, it is a feeling that expresses a natural reaction to threats or violations of personal boundaries, but the way it is expressed may lead to serious consequences.

According to Kilani, accumulated anger can push a person to explode in inappropriate situations, leading to escalation of problems in his personal and social relationships.

Anger is one of the complex emotions that includes psychological and physical components, such as a person’s thoughts, the sensation of heat, rapid breathing, and facial expressions. Kilani confirms that when any of these components is modified, the angry feeling can change.

For example, if anger is the result of frustration, confronting it in a more balanced way may reduce its intensity. Researchers also point out that social and environmental conditions can contribute to enhancing feelings of anger in certain societies, but this does not mean that a person should justify his actions based on What he sees around him.

On the other hand, the “You” program highlights the negative effects that anger may cause if it is not controlled.

Dr. Khaled Attas, the presenter of the program, explains how anger and fear stem from the same source in the brain, but the fundamental difference between them is that anger pushes the person to regain control over situations, while fear enhances the feeling of helplessness.


Natural anesthetic

Attas adds that when a person is exposed to anger, the brain secretes a substance called “Ubiol” that acts as a natural anesthetic. Although this feeling is innate, humans have the ability to control their feelings.

In the case of accumulated anger, Attas believes that guilt may be one of the main causes. When a person feels guilty as a result of his actions, anger accumulates inside him, which increases the intensity of the emotions.

Therefore, it is crucial that individuals learn how to deal with their feelings and resolve conflicts positively, because ignoring these skills may lead to escalating problems in relationships.

As part of the program’s presentation of personal experiences, businessman Saif Al-Hakim spoke about his experience with anger, saying that his first angry experience was during his high school period when his aunt insulted his intelligence, which ignited a volcano of anger in him.

But instead of responding inappropriately, he insisted on achieving success. Over time, he realized that using anger in the wrong way could destroy his personal and professional life opportunities.

The program concludes that anger is not necessarily a negative feeling, but it needs to be controlled and directed so that it does not turn into a threat to a person’s relationship and life, and that understanding it and knowing how to deal with it may be the key to achieving internal balance and facing life’s challenges calmly.