Airports Council International (ACI) will hold the inaugural Forum of its Global Committee in Montreal, Canada, in the presence of leading airport experts from around the world, which focuses on strengthening global cooperation in the field of aviation, from June 17 to 21.
The forum aims to enhance global cooperation in the field of aviation in the fields of airport information and technology, economics, environment, sustainability, facilitation, safety and security technologies.
The Forum brings together more than 300 committee members from all six ACI permanent global committees and their subgroups, to engage in meaningful dialogue, share best practices and develop innovative solutions to the challenges facing the aviation industry today.
“This forum represents an important milestone for Airports Council International and the aviation industry, as well as for the city of Montreal as the global capital of civil aviation,” said Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director General and CEO of ACI World.
He added: “The meeting represents an unparalleled opportunity for our committee’s experts to collaborate, exchange best practices, and stimulate innovations that effectively contribute to shaping airports and the broader aviation ecosystem. In addition, it promotes increased interaction between Committee experts and ICAO, underscoring the importance of airports in the development of international civil aviation. We express our gratitude to our member experts for their valuable contributions. Together with ACI World staff and in collaboration with aviation partners, we develop timely resources and advance the airport’s interests during key policy development phases. “Our committees support change behind the scenes for travelers and communities around the world.”
It is worth noting that Airports Council International (ACI) is a federated organization that includes ACI World, ACI Africa, ACI Asia Pacific and Middle East, ACI EUROPE, ACI Latin America and the Caribbean, and ACI North America. ACI makes a significant contribution to ensuring a safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable global air transport system. The Council serves 814 members and manages 2,110 airports in 169 countries.