Oryx Gas Obtains National Information Assurance Standard Compliance Certificate

Written By Mark

The National Cyber ​​Security Agency has awarded Oryx Gas to Liquids Limited the National Information Assurance Standard (NIAS) Compliance Certificate, making it the first company in the energy sector to obtain the compliance certificate.
Cybersecurity stated on its account on the social media platform “X” that this comes within the framework of the agency’s ongoing efforts to enhance cybersecurity in various institutions and sectors of the State of Qatar.
The National Cybersecurity Agency urges all institutions to apply for the National Information Assurance Standards Compliance Certificate, and to ensure that they receive the necessary support and guidance in this context, which will enhance and contribute to raising the level of national cybersecurity. The National Cybersecurity Agency emphasizes the importance and benefits of compliance with the National Information Assurance Standard (NIA) and contributing to securing national information at the level of state institutions. The National Cybersecurity Agency seeks to support all state institutions and institutions in vital sectors in order to obtain the National Information Assurance Standard (NIA) Compliance Certificate, which enhances and contributes fundamentally to raising the level of cybersecurity in institutions.