Paris Olympics 2024.." Viva" Announces the implementation of the procedure "Leader only" In my football competitions

Written By Mark

FIFA has published its guidelines for all teams participating in the two football competitions of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games regarding the procedure that allows only the captains of the two competing teams to communicate with the referee in certain situations.
FIFA encourages competition organisers worldwide to implement this measure, should they wish to do so, from elite level onwards.
Emphasising the importance of this measure, FIFA President Gianni Infantino said: “There is no football without referees. Protecting referees and ensuring they are treated with respect is essential for the future of the game. Implementing measures such as ‘captain only’ is essential to preserve the spirit of football and protect those who uphold its laws.”
Pierluigi Collina, Chairman of FIFA’s Referees Committee, praised the initiative, saying: “This is an important step in our efforts to promote fairness and respect in football, while opening a channel for dialogue between referees and teams. As we have seen in the past, measures aimed at defending the spirit of football are ultimately accepted.”