Qatar Chamber participates in the Arab-Austrian Economic Forum

Written By Mark

Qatar Chamber participated in the thirty-third meeting of the General Assembly, the thirty-fourth meeting of the Board of Directors of the Arab-Austrian Chamber of Commerce, as well as in the fourteenth Arab-Austrian Economic Forum, which was held as part of the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Arab-Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber delegation at the meetings held in the capital, Vienna, was headed by His Excellency Sheikh Khalifa bin Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

During the meetings, prospects for cooperation between Austria and the Arab countries in various commercial and economic fields were discussed. The focus was on cooperation in the field of energy and renewable energy. Working papers on sustainable innovations that reduce emissions, converting gas to hydrogen, and modern nuclear energy were also discussed.

The Annual General Assembly of the Austrian-Arab Chamber of Commerce is considered a pivotal gathering for Austrian and Arab board members to discuss, plan and shape future directions for Austrian-Arab cooperation and the Council of Arab Ambassadors.

The fourteenth Austrian-Arab Economic Forum, which was organized by the Austrian-Arab Chamber of Commerce and in cooperation with the Union of Arab Chambers, dealt with the topic “Fossil Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency,” and a variety of Austrian, Arab and international companies and organizations were presented in the accompanying exhibition.

The economic relations between Qatar and Austria are witnessing remarkable development, especially in recent years, and the trade exchange between Qatar and Austria during the year 2023 amounted to about 503 million riyals, and Austrian exports to the State of Qatar were concentrated in timber and tourist cars, while Qatar’s exports to Austria included chemical compounds and ethylene polymers. and vinyl chloride polymers.

The Arab-Austrian Economic Forum is the largest conference and exhibition held by the Arab-Austrian Chamber of Commerce, as it constitutes a unique platform for exchanging knowledge, communication, and deepening Austrian-Arab relations in economics, trade, culture, and diplomacy.