The Audit Bureau participated in the training meeting on “The Framework for Measuring the Performance of Supreme Audit Institutions”, which was held in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for five days.
The Court was represented by Ms. Najoud Abdul Latif Al Jaber, Director of Human Resources Department, and Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Thani, Internal Auditor in the Internal Audit Department.
The training meeting aims to introduce participants to the performance measurement framework, performance measurement tools, and enhance performance management skills.
On the other hand, the State Audit Bureau in Doha organized a benchmarking study preparation program for employees of internal audit departments in entities subject to its supervision. The program aims to understand what benchmarking (benchmark study) is, understand how benchmarking analysis (benchmark study) for internal audit can be useful, and use the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Internal Audit Benchmark Study Center (IIA’s Internal Audit Benchmark Hub).