What is computer vision syndrome?

Written By Mark

The German Ophthalmology Society said that Computer Vision Syndrome is a medical condition that affects the eyes due to working for a long period of time in front of a computer screen.

Decreased blinking rate

The association explained that the reason this syndrome occurs is that a person controls his work on the computer using the cursor, so that he can coordinate the movements well, which leads to an unconscious decrease in the rate of blinking.

Due to the decrease in the rate of blinking, the supply of tear fluid to the eye, which moisturizes it, decreases. The tear layer also gradually loses its stability, and thus the eye becomes dry.

Symptoms of this syndrome are a burning and itching sensation in the eyes, in addition to a headache.

To combat computer looking syndrome, the association recommends taking short breaks to blink regularly or closing the eye for a few seconds, as this contributes to moisturizing the eye.

The 20-20-20 rule

It is also useful to follow the 20-20-20 rule, where every 20 minutes you should move your eyes away from the screen and look at something 20 feet (about 6 meters) away for 20 seconds, as this allows the eye muscles, which are tense when seeing short distances. , relax for a while.

The atmosphere of the room also plays an important role, as dry heater air exacerbates the problem, so regular ventilation is required to maintain the humidity of the air in the room.
