When does a tooth need a root canal treatment?

Written By Mark

Oman- The field of dental implants has witnessed great development, which has positively affected the health and well-being of patients, especially with the development of techniques and materials such as porcelain, zirconia, and other modern materials.

Many people turn to replacing their missing teeth to restore oral and aesthetic functions through dental implants, which play a vital role in improving the quality of life of patients.

Endodontist Dr. Mohammed Al-Qadri says that root canal treatment is a crucial procedure to save teeth that suffer from deep decay or root injury. Extensive crown damage may require a dental implant to ensure its continuity and protect it from potential fractures that could lead to its permanent loss.

Al-Qadri explained – in exclusive statements to Al Jazeera – that if more than 50% of the crown of the tooth is damaged due to decay or fracture, it is recommended to make a crown or crown for the tooth to protect it from fracture and to ensure its durability. The installation maintains the strength of the tooth and prevents its loss, as the case is evaluated clinically and radiologically by the treating physician.

Al-Qadri said that although root canal treatment can reduce the internal nutrition of the tooth, it does not reduce its strength and it can continue to function normally for many years, supported by nutrition from the surrounding tissues and in some cases a crowning procedure to protect the tooth from fracture.

Al-Qadri explained that not every tooth needs to be replaced after root canal treatment. In some cases, a simple restorative filling may suffice, with periodic follow-up of the tooth to ensure its health and strength. If the damage is less than 50%, a restorative filling may suffice.

tooth nutrition

“A root canal-treated tooth loses its internal nutrition, but it continues to receive nutrition from the surrounding tissues, allowing it to continue to function effectively as if it were natural for many years, similar to a dental implant,” Al-Qadri adds.

“If the nerve is alive and there is decay, we restore the tooth using cosmetic fillings. However, if the need is to improve the appearance of the teeth with porcelain veneers, there may be no need for nerve treatment, provided that the condition is evaluated and the teeth are prepared appropriately before placing the permanent veneers,” Al-Qadri explains.

However, a root canal can be performed on a tooth with a crown, provided that the crown or crown is removed to fully assess the tooth. Root canal treatment can be performed after the crown is removed, provided that the crown is properly placed and free of internal leaks. An opening is made in the crown to access the internal nerve canals, sterilize them, and fill them carefully.

Al-Qadri added that these procedures aim to preserve the tooth and its continuity, which contributes to improving its function and appearance without the need for surgical procedures or expensive interventions.

Compensation process

Prosthodontics specialist Dr. Rami Al-Daghim says that dental implants are the process of replacing the damaged or lost structure of the teeth and are used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. The dentist resorts to replacing the lost structure of the tooth through ceramic, metal or acrylic materials (a type of synthetic fiber), to restore the teeth to their previous shape and function.

Al-Daghim explained – in exclusive statements to Al Jazeera – that there are differences between dental implants in terms of their design, types and manufacturing methods, which in turn work to restore the patient’s ability to chew food, and also serve a cosmetic purpose as well as giving the patient the ideal smile shape.

Al-Daghim explained that dental implants may be used either completely to replace a missing tooth or partially if the tooth is present, and they may be used for all teeth, and this varies according to the case. Some are used to replace one tooth completely or partially, and some are used to replace a group of teeth, and sometimes in the case of total loss, all teeth are replaced, which is called “complete oral rehabilitation.”

Al-Daghim states that there are several treatment options for a single case, and the most appropriate ones are chosen to suit the patient’s requirements and health and financial condition as well. Some of them are fixed implants that cannot be removed by the patient, and some of them are removable.

In the past, implants were often made of plastic and acrylic materials, and some were made of a mixture of precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and several different metals. They thus acquired some characteristics, including hardness and resistance to decay, but they were often not in the shape and appearance that mimicked the natural and aesthetic shape of teeth.

Modern materials

He added that nowadays, many modern materials have been introduced to manufacture dental implants, which have physical properties close to natural teeth and also mimic the shape, color and function of teeth. Ceramic crowns and bridges made of glass, ceramic and metal materials such as zirconia have provided us with excellent treatment options to replace and beautify teeth without conflicting with the important natural and aesthetic appearance.

Al-Daghim explained that preparing teeth to receive fixed prosthetics is done by removing a small part of the tooth, in a process called “tooth preparation.” The amount of preparation depends on the type of material used and its purpose. In some cases, the preparation does not exceed a few millimeters. After that, the doctor takes the measurements and sends them to the dental laboratory to make the prosthetics, which are then glued into the patient’s mouth.

Al-Daghim concluded by emphasizing the necessity of taking care of dental implants after their installation, by brushing them regularly, using dental floss, and rinsing, as they must be taken care of like natural teeth.