Issuing the second edition of “Money in Qatar” by Dr. Hashem Al-Sayed

Written By Mark

The second edition of the book “Money in Qatar” by Dr. Hashem Al-Sayed was recently published by Mutammam Publishing and Distribution House. The new edition was supplied with the fifth issue of the Qatari currency, as well as coins and commemorative coins. The edition also witnesses the latest developments in money, taking advantage of technology and digitization, especially cryptocurrencies.
The book “Money in Qatar” constitutes a historical study of money ever since man knew financial transactions. It discusses the history of the Qatari currency from its beginning, with pictures and explanation, and how it developed until it reached its current form. The book includes four chapters: the first: dealing with the culture of money, the second: the development of Islamic and Arab money, the third: the development of money in Qatar, and the fourth: the establishment of the Qatar Monetary Agency and the Qatar Central Bank and their role in monetary policy. The book, which comes in 80 medium-sized pages, is considered a reference for specialists and scholars, and it also represents an addition to the economic library in Qatar.
Dr. Hashim Al-Sayyid says that over long ages, human knowledge of money gradually increased, as it began in its first form through bartering for goods, and when the earth was adorned with more advanced civilizations, the barter system could not meet the development of transactions, so human thought searched for a new innovation represented in taking metals, which are available in them. The property of being free of damage and loss, as money accepted by everyone as a means of exchange and a measure of value. Then, financial and monetary issues became more complex with the introduction of paper currency and what followed. Modern innovations in banking money, until money has become a science taught in the largest institutes and universities in the world.
Regarding the functions of money, he points out that it is not limited to the economic and commercial aspects only, but extends to the social, religious and political aspects, as money represents important historical documents that reflect development and progress in these fields.
Regarding the motivation behind issuing the book, the author believes that in light of the presence of the State of Qatar on the oldest continent known to mankind, and the extension of Qatari history with its roots into the depths of human history, many discoveries have confirmed that the inhabitants of Qatar traded many currencies, and this was the subject of interest for some studies and research, and some publications dealt with This field has certain angles and aspects, but the researcher and reader will not find within the Qatari Library a work that combines comprehensive information about money in Qatar. This necessitated making an effort to publish this book, which worked to collect various information and data, scrutinize them, and enrich them with analysis in order for it to be a contribution to documentation, rooting, increasing knowledge, and a reference on money in Qatar and its development as evidence of the strength of the Qatari economy.